On the afternoon of February 14, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, who is in China on a state visit, at the Great Hall of the People.

As Xi Jinping noted, China and Iran are bound by traditional friendship, and bilateral relations have stood the test of various major changes in the international situation. In the face of a difficult situation, when world, epochal and historical changes are taking place, China and Iran support each other, cooperate and fight the COVID-19 pandemic together. Mutual strategic trust is constantly being strengthened and pragmatic cooperation is steadily moving forward, which promotes common interests, protects international impartiality and justice, and allows us to write a new chapter in the history of friendship between the two countries. As Xi Jinping stressed, China is now comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through the Chinese model of modernization, unswervingly promotes high-quality development and high-level openness, and firmly defends world peace and promotes common development. China has consistently viewed and developed relations with Iran from a strategic point of view. Regardless of changes in the international and regional situation, the PRC will steadily develop friendly cooperation with Iran, promote the continuous new development of the Sino-Iranian comprehensive strategic partnership, and play a positive role in promoting world peace and human progress under the conditions of unprecedented change in a century.

Xi Jinping stressed that China supports Iran in defending state sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity and national dignity, supports it in defending against unilateralism and bullying, opposes foreign interference in Iran’s internal affairs and undermines security and stability in Iran, and intends to continue firmly support each other in matters affecting each other’s key interests. China is willing to work with Iran to implement the plan of comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, deepen pragmatic cooperation in trade, agriculture, industry and infrastructure, and import more high-quality Iranian agricultural products. China is ready to continue cooperation with Iran on the joint construction of “One Belt, One Road”

Xi Jinping noted that maintaining stability in the Middle East is of great importance for the well-being of the countries and peoples of the region, and is crucial for safeguarding world peace, promoting global economic development and ensuring stable energy supplies. China appreciates Iran’s willingness to actively improve relations with neighboring countries, support the countries of the region in resolving differences and achieving good neighborliness and friendship through dialogue and consultation, and intends to continue to play a constructive role in promoting peace and stability in the region. China is ready to strengthen contacts and interaction with Iran in multilateral platforms such as the UN and SCO, advocate true multilateralism and protect the common interests of developing countries.

In turn, E. Raisi said that the Iranian-Chinese friendship has passed the test of time and is growing stronger day by day. As two independent and independent states, Iran and China develop relations based on the spirit of mutual respect, and they are sincere strategic partners who have earned mutual trust. Iran’s determination to deepen and raise the level of the Iranian-Chinese all-round strategic partnership is unshakable and will not be affected by any changes in the international and regional situation. The Iranian side hopes to strengthen contacts with China at all levels, implement the Iran-China comprehensive cooperation plan, deepen pragmatic cooperation in trade, infrastructure and other fields, welcomes the investment of Chinese enterprises in Iran and expects more Chinese tourists to visit the country. Iran thanks China for providing valuable assistance to the country in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and for China’s advocacy of justice in the negotiations on the restoration of a joint comprehensive plan of action on the Iranian nuclear program and other issues. Iran firmly supports and will actively participate in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative. Both Iran and China strongly oppose unilateralism, hegemonism and bullying, as well as foreign interference in internal affairs. Iran firmly supports China in protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The heads of the two states also exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

As a result of the talks, the heads of the two states witnessed and jointly signed a number of documents on bilateral cooperation in such areas as agriculture, trade, tourism, environmental protection, health care, disaster relief, culture and sports.

Prior to the talks, President Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for President Ebrahim Raisi at the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Fireworks from 21 cannons thundered in Tiananmen Square. The guard of honor lined up in greeting. Both leaders took to the podium, and the military band played the national anthems of China and Iran. President Raisi inspected the honor guard of the People’s Liberation Army of China and watched the parade in the company of President Xi Jinping.

Wang Yi and He Lifen attended the event.

During President Raisi’s visit to China, the two sides will issue a “Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Source : fmprc

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