Those who can fight all over the world are invincible, but those who can’t be beaten and still have to fight are scoundrels.

Turkey is the latter, which has provoked most of the major powers in the world, and has problems with Britain, France, the United States, Russia, Germany, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Iran.

Provoking the above-mentioned countries is tantamount to kicking the iron plate. Turkey just hit the south wall, like a little bully in Eurasia.

Even Australia, which is far away in the Pacific Ocean, has had a relatively fierce sea confrontation with Turkey. Looking at the whole world, who will cure Turkey’s disease of playing rogues?

Throughout Turkey’s thousands of years of history, apart from admiring the Tang Dynasty, no other country would accept it.

After Erdogan took office, he strangled the neck of the big boss in the United States and stepped on the lifeblood of European countries. But any normal country will not shoot down Russian fighter planes for some black interests.

Türkiye lies between East and West, so why isn’t it a “thing”? Why do you have to be a bully?

History shapes Türkiye’s ‘bully’ tradition

Turkey’s history books use “historical nonsense”. The history lessons in schools have offended a large number of Asian and European countries.

For example, in the aspect of “recognition of father”, it caused dissatisfaction in the scientific and historical circles, because Turkey insisted that the Huns were their ancestors.

The scientific community has mature genetic testing, and the results have long been obtained. The Turks and the Huns have nothing to do with each other in terms of race.

In terms of origin, the Huns are a combination of the Xia people and nomadic peoples. After the defeat in the Han-Hungarian War, most of the Huns were integrated into our Greater China civilization and into our blood.

Although the Han and Huns fought to pieces, they are no longer separated from each other. Only a small part of the Huns fled to Central Asia and fled to other places. As for where they went, it is a digression.

At least the Turks have nothing to do with the Huns. But the Turks chose to believe that the Huns were their ancestors, thereby pushing history back thousands of years.

This kind of behavior of forcibly “recognizing father” makes people laugh and cry.

The real ancestors of Turkey are the Turks we know well, and they should have been part of the big Central Asian family.

The reason why the Turks were driven away was because they were aggressive and aggressive and offended their neighbors.

According to the history books of Turkey, it is said that the Turks migrated to the junction of Asia and Europe because they were defeated by the Tang Dynasty. They defeated all the surrounding countries and stepped on the two major civilizations of the Middle East and Europe.

To this day, Turkey always says: It was our great ancestors who forced China to build a great wall! (That is, the Great Wall), nothing more than wanting to use Chinese civilization to elevate one’s own height.

But actually? Did Tang really defeat Türkiye?

At that time, Datang advocated that “everyone has food to eat”, hoping that all parties will be friendly, jointly maintain the stability of Central Asia, and everyone will do business happily.

But the Turks are too domineering, always wanting to take the most benefits, and always making enemies in all directions, both inside and outside are enemies, which leads to internal and external troubles.

For example, it means that the whole village has harvested a warehouse of grain, and he has to take half of it. What will other villagers do?

The villagers have no food, no cattle and sheep, and no land. They either starve to death or beat the bully to death. There is no third choice.

Ever since, the entire Central Asian circle joined forces to defeat the Turks, and in this war, Datang naturally occupied a dominant position.

Even within the Turks, many people offered to help Datang, wanting to be included in a truly civilized country.

If a country pursues the poor, it will drive the enemy beyond its borders. When the entire civilized circle pursues the poor, it will drive them all the way to the edge of the Asian continent.

At that time, the entire Central Asian civilization circle had to destroy the Turks, and they would fight wherever they went, so Turkey was beaten to Asia Minor.

The foreshadowing is laid here. In history, the entire Central Asia was the enemy of Turkey, otherwise it would not have fled to the junction of Asia and Europe.

Whenever we defeat the nomads, it is a great joy for us, but a great tragedy for Europe.

These remnants and defeated generals always wash Europe with blood. Similar historical scenes have happened many times. This can also be seen from the side how powerful the civilization circle dominated by the Tang Dynasty is.

There is a small branch of the Turks, Ottoman, who established the Ottoman Empire. It has twice attacked Vienna, and Europe has wailed.

The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and ended in 1923. At its peak, it spanned the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa.

According to normal national logic, since the Ottomans are powerful, they should manage carefully, but they have caused a bloody storm in Asia and Europe, and they have directly cut off the Asia-Europe trade route.

The civilization of the Central Plains in Asia wants to connect to the world, while Europe wants to buy luxury goods in the Central Plains, and they are connected to each other by landing on the Silk Road on land.

Because the Ottoman Empire cut off the European trade routes, the Europeans were forced to embark on a great voyage, which can be regarded as their “indirect contribution”.

It was not until the industrial revolution ushered in Europe that the war changed from cold weapons to guns and guns, and finally defeated the Ottoman Empire.

In the huge Ottoman Empire, only the core part of the territory remained, which is today’s Turkey.

Back to the question just now, the “historical nonsense” in Turkish history textbooks.

They have offended the entire Central Asian civilization circle in history, but now they say that they are close to the Central Asian civilization circle, and they are “friends of the same clan” from generation to generation.

For the above reasons, Turkey wants to re-lead Central Asia and restore the glory of Ottoman.

This caused dissatisfaction in the historian circles, just like the bully at the entrance of the village, who always said he was a good person, was a “three-good student” since he was a child, never stole chickens and dogs, and never smashed other people’s courtyard walls… It is simply a joke in the world!

Europeans have hated Turkey for a long time, and even the name of this country has been changed to an unsightly swear word.

We call Turkey in Chinese, which is a simple transliteration of the three characters of Turkey; but when translated into English, it is just cursing.

And because the British and Americans have the right to speak, and the British and American overlords have no structure, the English meaning of Turkey has been unsavory for a long time, and it is a term used to curse people.

Second, Türkiye, the “bully” in Asia and Europe, has angered most of the world

The ancestors of Turkey provoked their neighbors in ancient times; but today’s modern Turks also make enemies on all sides.

Just like a person, if you are addicted to drinking, your liver will be damaged, if you are addicted to gluttony, your stomach will be damaged, and if you are addicted to quarreling and fighting, your whole body will be damaged.

After the end of the Cold War, Turkey wanted to join the European Union wholeheartedly, but he really made too many enemies, so he was always rejected, especially Greece was firmly opposed. the

Turkey’s historical burden is too heavy. Although modern civilization advocates great national unity, Turkey does not want to let go of this burden.

Especially in 2002, after Erdogan took office, he was completely chilled by the European Union, and his strategy shifted from west to east.


The most direct case is to use refugees from the Middle East to threaten the EU countries, and to criticize the United States, Britain and France for creating war.

When Turkey flirted with the five Central Asian countries and established economic, military, and energy ties, this move did not anger Europe and the United States. After all, the influence of the five Central Asian countries is relatively low.

But when Turkey steps on the Middle East, it is tantamount to provoking the European Union, the United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and neighboring Syria at the same time…

mad! furious! Extremely rampant!

These are the main players in the world pattern. Angrying this country and region is equivalent to kicking eight iron plates with one kick. Instead of being afraid, Turkey will hit the southern wall!

In the Middle East, when Europe, America and Russia compete for supremacy, whoever offends Europe and the United States will be favored by Russia; on the contrary, whoever offends Russia will be favored by Europe and the United States.

Turkey can offend everyone at once. It is actually a bit “difficult” to do this. It is worthy of being a small Eurasian bully.

Why did Erdogan do such a thankless thing? Because Türkiye has two major interests in the Middle East, short-term and long-term.

For a long time, I want to restore the glory of Ottoman Turkey, which is something that neither Europe, America, nor Russia want to see. It’s like eating a table for three people, if another big fat man comes, either drive him away, or directly overturn the table.

As for the short-term, it is to attack the Kurds, which touches on Turkey’s core interests.

It’s a long story. The Kurds are an ancient nation in the Middle East. Like the Arabs, they are the rear of the Ottoman Empire.

However, during the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was defeated, and resources were exhausted on the front line, while the Arabs and Kurds in the rear suffered a rare famine, corpses were everywhere on the roadside, and every household in the village was wailing.

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the emperor was about to surrender, and the country was split by Britain and France. In the split plan, the Kurds were included, as if the cake was cut into pieces.

On August 10, 1920, the Allied Powers led by the United Kingdom came up with a Kurdish autonomy plan.

Ottoman Türkiye, with the last parliament convened, was about to fall apart.

Unexpectedly, the army general Kemal launched a revolution and was a great success. He served as the first president of modern Turkey and saved the last core area of ​​the country.

Egypt’s founding father Kemal

Britain and France were really exhausted in the First World War, and wanted to end the war as soon as possible, so they didn’t try their best to deal with Kemal.

On the other hand, the Kurdish autonomy plan, because of the success of the Kemal Revolution, was thrown into the archives of Britain and France and sealed up. Since then, a century-old road of blood and tears has begun.

Kurdistan, the main residence of the Kurds, was split into several surrounding countries. The west was assigned to the French colony of Syria, the south to the British colony of Iraq, the east to Iran, and the north to remain in the Turkey,

In order to suppress the Kurds in its territory, Turkey began to reform them, even changing the name of the nation, calling them “Mountain Turks”.

Turkey has not recognized the presence of Kurds in its territory so far. It just wants to separate the Kurds in the country from the Kurds in several other countries, so as to maintain domestic stability.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. The Kurds in Turkey, who started a century-old struggle for independence, are like a “landmine” in society, which will explode if stepped on.

The Turks and the Kurds were fighting among the people at first, and they refused to accept each other. Even when they went abroad, the two sides were enemies when they met.

For the Turkish government, since there is a “mine” of the Kurds in its territory, it must pay attention to diplomatic relations with neighboring countries to prevent the Kurds from being used.

But Turkey has made enemies everywhere, so that the relationship between the Turks and the Kurds has further deteriorated.

Kurds wandering around the world

In November 1978, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party was established, which created one terrorist attack after another in Turkey, disturbing the country.

The government has also tried to solve the problem through peaceful negotiations, but in Turkey, the Turks have far more votes than the Kurds.

Whoever attacks the Kurds in the country will be able to gain more support, which has become Erdogan’s means of canvassing votes.

Take a recent military operation as an example. On November 20, 2022, Turkey sent troops into Syria again, and the sound of gunfire shattered the glass of the school.

The Turkish army launched an attack on the Kurdish armed forces in northern Syria. This military operation was code-named Sword.

The reason given by Turkey is that the bombing on Independence Street in Istanbul seven days ago was the work of the PKK.

Many analysts believe that Erdogan’s main reason for sending troops is to win more votes.

Fourth, what about the United States? Also dare to provoke!

The military strength of the U.S. military is number one in the world, and it claims to be invincible everywhere in the world. When invincibility met a scoundrel, the U.S. got a bad nose in Turkey.

The United States is indeed bad, but the United States is very powerful. Countries in the world either endure the badness of the Americans, or are beaten by the Americans, or suffer various sanctions.

But Turkey is not convinced, and bought your F35 fighter jet, even if it has been manufactured, please return the money to me.

You said that you threatened me with the F16 fighter jet purchased by Turkey and wanted to negotiate with me, so stop talking and turn the table!

On this planet, there are only a few countries that dare to sing against the Americans, and Turkey is one of them.

During the Cold War, the United States was Turkey’s military ally, and the relationship between Turkey and the United States has been friendly for a long time.

For example, the United States has made great military aid to Turkey, and also supported Turkey’s accession to the European Union, giving it a lot of help.

However, US President George W. Bush launched the Gulf War. The US military used the Kurds in order to deal with Iraq; and later armed the Kurds for a long time for the interests of the Middle East.

This move has touched Türkiye’s core interests and disrupted the situation in the Middle East.

Especially after the “Arab Spring”, many countries in the Middle East fell into turmoil, which aroused Erdogan’s vigilance and worried about the color revolution of the Americans.

Turkey has become more and more conservative. When pursuing interests, it chose multilateralism to obtain multilateral interests.

The most typical case is that in May 2021, Finland and Sweden followed the intention of the United States and formally applied to join NATO.

Turkey used its “one-vote veto” to keep the two countries out. Erdogan wanted to use this opportunity to gain more benefits, which directly disrupted the deployment of the United States.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of people in Europe marched and protested, and even burned the “Koran” in the street.

The United States was angered and took eight European countries to close their consulates in Turkey in February this year.

Erdogan is not only not afraid, but also threatened: “Turkey has to become the second “Iran”!”


Turkey, a bold country, wants to create a “miracle” again like Ottoman Turkey.

But the age of war has passed, and peace is the main theme of the era, even if a country is big and warlike, it will die!

Source: 163

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